(If you don't believe that comparison, ESPN writer Bill Simmons, who has probably written more about Len Bias than anyone, gives the same comparison in his new book, The Book Of Basketball.
Here's what Simmons said:
You couldn't have drawn up a better young forward for that particular team (the Celtics), someone who played like a more physical Worthy, but with Jordan's athleticism, if that makes sense.
See, I'm not crazy.)
People loved to see him jump effortlessly above the rim, but he wasn't one dimensional. He had a great mid-range jump shot and since he could jump so high, no one was blocking his shot. He could play below the rim as well as he could play above it.
At Maryland he dominated the ACC and caught the eye of Boston Celtics' GM Red Auerbach. Because of a crazy trade involving the Seattle Supersonics and Gerald Henderson, the NBA Champion Boston Celtics, who won 67 games before beating the Houston Rockets in the NBA Finals, held the rights to the number two pick of the 1986 draft.
(By the way, that 1986 draft was just cursed. Daugherty would've probably been a Hall of Fame center, but only played eight years because of back injuries. Bias died. Chris Washburn was drafted third by the Warriors and he was burnt out on drugs by his second year in the league. William Bedford was picked sixth by the Suns and is still in jail today for drug related charges. Roy Tarpley was drafted seventh by the Mavericks and was kicked out of the NBA twice for drugs and alcohol. Even Scott Skiles had issues with drugs and alcohol. Cursed I tell you.)
Just two days after the biggest day of Bias' basketball career, he died from a heart attack brought upon by a cocaine binge. After watching Kirk Fraser's take on Bias in his ESPN 30 for 30 documentary Without Bias, I was left with mixed emotions. I was sad and angry, left wondering "what if", but also very happy that I watched it.
Len Bias died over 23 years ago. I was barely 10 years old. Yet, I remember nearly every detail about what happened. I remember that he died two days after the draft. I remember that he overdosed on cocaine. And I remember that he was supposed to be great. As much as I knew, Fraser's documentary provided me with many details that I didn't know.
I didn't know that Bias' parents had to go through nearly the same thing again four years later when his brother Jay was murdered. I didn't know that Larry Bird was so enamored with Bias that he was going to show up early to training camp with the rookies just because Bias was going to be there. I didn't know that Auerbach had his eye on Bias three years before they drafted him.
And yet, there are still things I would love to know more about.
Was Bias a drug addict or not? Head coach Lefty Driesell thought it was just a one time thing for Bias, while others mentioned in the documentary that the cocaine he and Brian Trimble scored was more pure than just "starter" coke.
Were Kevin McHale and Larry Bird truly ok with the Celtics drafting the next coming even though it meant their minutes would be cut and someone would eventually have to sit when Bias evolved? Someone (McHale) would've had to eventually be traded, or else accept a lesser role.
Did NBA experts think Bias had enough drive back then to be Michael Jordan's foil like we think today? Magic had Larry. Bill had Wilt. Who did MJ have? We know Bias had the talent, but was he as driven and focused enough as MJ?
Fraser interviews Bias' friends and family which gives a lot of credence into the story. It's one thing to have coaches and guys like Michael Wilbon, who covered the DC area at the time, but when you have Mr. and Mrs. Bias, his brother and sister, and teammates, you know the story is going to be as straight as possible.
One thing that amazed me was how stoic Mrs. Bias was. She felt that Len was going to be taken from her much earlier than he was. And she turned the losses of her two songs into positive work by becoming a spokesperson against drugs. I wonder how many lives she saved as a direct result of her losing two sons.
In no way could Fraser tell this entire story in just fifty five minutes. But he does a stellar job in getting as many interviews and stories into the documentary as possible. He tries to talk about the DC drug scene at the time, but doesn't have nearly enough time to do anything but dip his baby toe into it.
He also tries to discuss what happened to the Maryland program after the Bias ordeal, but again, there's not enough time. We know that Lefty Driesell was forced to quit by the program after Bias died. And though not discussed in the film, the program made the NCAA tournament in 1988 and didn't make the tournament again until 1994.
For the time given, Fraser's documentary gives you a great look at someone who had great promise and left the basketball world way too soon.
Len Bias photo added by Sarah - http://www.fanbase.com/member/sarah
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